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Most Popular Quotes | Gautam Buddha Continued Page 2

  • The way in which in carelessness, the edge of a soft thing like grass can also injure the hand, in the same way, the mistake in recognizing the true nature of religion can lead you to the Hell's door.
  • Let go of tomorrow, let the future go, let the present go, and peep out of the boundaries of your existence. When your mind is completely free, you can see life-death in its true form.
  • No person can learn anything because of speaking too much, a sensible person is called the one who is patient, not angry, and fearless.
  • The person himself can be his biggest protector; and who can protect him? If you have complete control over yourself, you will gain the ability to achieve that very few people have.
  • We cannot get the punishment of mistakes made by us immediately, but we will surely meet sometime over time.
  • If a person makes a mistake, then try that not to repeat it. Do not try to find happiness in it, because staying in an evil invites sorrow.
  • He insulted me, harassed me, and looted me, the person who complains about these things throughout his life, they can never live peacefully. The person who raises himself above these things is the most peaceful person.
  • A sensible person removes the deficiencies in the same way, just as a goldsmith selects the impurities of silver and chooses it a little bit and repeats this process repeatedly.
  • Desires never end. If one of your desires is fulfilled, the second desire immediately takes place.
  • All bad actions arise due to the mind. If the mind changes, then what unethical work can be?
  • The person whose mind is calm, the person who speaks and keeps quiet while doing his job is the person who has achieved the truth and who has been relieved of grief.
  • To stay away from all evils, develop goodness and keep good thoughts in your mind-Buddha only tells you this.
  • The way the storm cannot shake a strong stone, the great person is not affected by praise or criticism.
  • All people are afraid of punishment, all are afraid of death. Think of others as yourself, do not kill any creature yourself and refuse to do the same to others.
  • Every person is the author of his health or illness.
  • It is better to live wisely even one day in life, instead of practicing meditation without concentration for one thousand years.
  • Death sheds a distraught person in the same way, in the way floods of a village (people drowning) are flooded.
  • A foolish person cannot see the truth in his entire life even after living with a sensible person, just as a spoon cannot enjoy the soup taste.
  • The person who is awake, for him a night looks very long, a tired person see the floor very far. Likewise, life and death for the foolish person who is unaware of true religion is equally long.
  • The ignorant man is like a bull. He grows in size, not in knowledge.

Thank You !!!

About Author:

Authored by Bhiva Palav.He is a blogger and a youtuber. He has keen interest in Indian culture and spirituality.

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Most Popular Quotes | Gautam Buddha Continued Page 2 Most Popular Quotes | Gautam Buddha Continued Page 2 Reviewed by Bhushan Palav on September 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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