An analysis on Joint Family and Nuclear Family
A discussion about modern day world changing landscape of family structure from extended families to nuclear families.
Joint Family
A Joint
family is a form of family where the grand-parents, father, mother, and children
live under one roof. The Indians understand the importance of joint
family system since
time immemorial. ... Hence, joint family system is very important to flourish
in our society.
Nuclear Family
A family group that consists only of parents and their dependent children is Nuclear Family.
Comparison between Joint Family and Nuclear Family
Nuclear Family facts:
- Impact of westernization
In today’s modern world, Westernization of our society has introduced a concept of nuclear family especially in metro cities of our country.
- Cry for personal freedom
This has been the prime reason behind the need of nuclear family. New generation avoid traditional ideologies and customs being forced upon them from their elder parents. And they choose to live separate.
- Fast moving life
Now a day, even two persons living in single house don’t get time to talk and share their life. Everyone is busy doing their own work to generate huge income, so that they can enjoy luxuries of life.
- Privacy
Many newly married couples don’t like the fact that living in the joint families breaks their privacy. Due to lack of privacy, people miss the fun and intimacy that they enjoy while being in Nuclear family.
- Accommodation issues in metro cities
For general public, to buy a house in metro cities like Mumbai is very big task and people spend their entire life looking to own a big house. Hence, many families prefer to live separately as nuclear families.
Joint Family (extended family) facts:
- Less financial burden
As compared to a nuclear family, where financial responsibilities fall on the man and wife, a joint family is more economically friendly. With multiple earning individuals, the economic burden is divided among family members. This allows an individual have a larger disposable income.
- Good support in case of emergency
In case of an emergency, there is always someone to help you out. Whether it is advice on a personal issue, financial problem, emotional support or medical help, you will always find some family member who can guide you.
- Bringing up child by grand parents
Another major advantage of a joint family system is the fact that grandparents or other members like aunts will take care of children when both the parents are employed. Living with close family members rather than spending time in a play school will immensely contribute towards making the childhood memorable and happier, a crucial factor to the overall personality development of an individual.
- Fewer burdens on one person
One of the best things you have in joint family is a sense of unity among family members. People manage their work with one another and enjoy greater co-operation.
- No loneliness experienced at old age.
However, without being judgmental, it is not good in the long run either for the country or the society to neglect the elderly. That is when they become most vulnerable and need family support, particularly from their children. The government, of course, has enacted laws to deal with such instances, but every effort should be made by all to ensure that the value system of respecting the elderly is not eroded.
- Helps you in developing interpersonal skills
A child living in a joint family is always surrounded with people all the time. A child gets the learning ground for multiple interpersonal skills including , patience, cooperation, adjustments and sharing. Research studies suggest that children who are brought up in joint families are more likely to be lively and engaging. As they are used to living with a number of people together, they are socially more adaptive and responsive.
- Emotional support in period of mental distress
Joint family system has the strong bonding among siblings and other members of the family even while providing a sense of security to the children. It is believed that children who grow up in an extended family with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins will imbibe the qualities of sharing, caring, empathy and understanding. This might not always be the case of children who grow up in a nuclear family, although one cannot simply generalize.
Of course, I do not mean to say that everything will be hunky-dory in extended families. They too have their share of conflict situations, quarrels and misunderstandings.
Adopting our age-old philosophy of "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam", which embodies the spirit of humanism, compassion, magnanimity and tolerance, family, becomes the basic building block of a harmonious, inclusive society. Family can shape the world view, foster and reinforce the value system of the individuals and therefore, consequently, be the warp and weft of a sustainable, peaceful, inclusive, prosperous world.
Keeping in touch with your relatives is difficult if you live in a nuclear family. However, if you live in a joint family, it is not just easier since you see these people on a daily basis, but the bonds you form with them are stronger.
It is believed that children who grow up in an extended family with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins will imbibe the qualities of sharing, caring, empathy and understanding. This might not always be the case of children who grow up in a nuclear family, although one cannot simply generalize.
Yesterday's Joint Family in comparison with Today's Nuclear Family
Reviewed by Bhushan Palav
August 23, 2018

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