Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi, was a prominent
political leader of the Indian independence movement. Following the
principles of satyagraha and non-violence, they played an important
role in giving independence to India. These principles have inspired
people in the world for civil rights and independence movement.
Most Popular Quotes of Mahatma Gandhi
- Believing is a quality; unbelief is mother of weakness.
- A body that has strong belief in its purpose can change the attitude of history.
- There is no way of peace, there is only peace.
- Eye in exchange for the eye will make the whole world blind.
- Those who save time save money and saved money is equal to
- the earned money.
- Only happiness is the only perfume, which if you sprinkle on others, then some of its bunds definitely fall on you too.
- Faith should always be weighed with reasoning. When faith goes blind, then it dies.
- First they will not pay attention to you, then they will laugh at you, then they will fight with you, and then you will win.
- The person must be identified with his character, not his clothes.
- Happiness will be found when what you think, what you say and who you do, is in harmony
- Silence is the most powerful speech; gradually the world will listen to you.
- Truth is a huge tree, as long as it is served, there are many fruits coming in it, they do not end there.
- All the religions of the world, even if there is a difference between things, but all are unanimous that nothing in the world just lives alive except truth.
- Anger and intolerance are the enemies of right understanding.
- Capital is not bad in itself, it is evil only in its misuse. There will always be a need for capital in some form.
- Accepting your mistake is the act of brooming that shines the ground surface and shines.
- The constant development is the rule of life, and the person who always tries to preserve his or her conservative approach to show himself right, makes himself miserable.
- Truth can stand without public support, it is self-sufficient.
- Live like you are going to die tomorrow. Learn such that you are going to live forever.
- Giving happiness to someone’s heart by your good actions is better than thousand times bowing in prayer.
- God has no religion.
- I will not let anyone pass through my mind with the dirty feet.
- Seven biggest of sins: money without work; happiness without conscience; science without humanity; knowledge without character; politics without theory; trade without morality; worship without sacrifice.
- Laughter opens the knots of the mind very easily.
Most Popular Quotes | Mahatma Gandhi
Reviewed by Bhushan Palav
September 12, 2018

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