Gautam Buddha
was a yogi and a philosopher who had
established Buddha religion, he is generally known by the name of Siddhartha
Gautam, Shakyamuni Buddha and Buddha. Gautam Buddha was born in 563 BC, near
the Shakya province of Capital Kapilvastu, in Lumbini in the clan of Kshatriya
(Shakya Kul), in the house of Father Shuddhodhan and mother Mahamaya, which is in
Nepal now. But a few months after his birth, his mother died. Therefore, he was
nurtured by his aunt, Mahaprajapati Gautami.
His father was King Shuddhodhan, who wanted his son to become
a great king (ruler), he had given Siddhartha, the knowledge of many religions
and his father had kept him away from all human suffering.
When Siddhartha turned 16, his father married him with his
colleague Yashodhara. A few days later his wife gave birth to a son named
It is said that Siddhartha spent two years in Kapilavastu as a Prince. Siddharth's father wanted that Siddhartha should have whatever he wants, and his son should not have any deficiency of anything.
Once, Gautam Buddha had an opportunity to see an old man and a dead body. Gautam Buddha began to think that there is no way of liberating him from human suffering. Then Gautam Buddha made human welfare the only goal of his life. He left his wife, Yashodhara and son Rahul in sleep, and went into the forest, where he received philosophy by meditation and called 'Buddha'.
Most Popular Quotes | Gautam Buddha
- Without health, there is no life; only a state of suffering - the image of death.
- Health is the greatest gift, satisfaction is the biggest wealth, and Integrity is the greatest relation.
- If you really love yourself, then you can never hurt others.
- Think about the good things - we become what we think, so think positively and be happy.
- Make Your Way Yourself - We are born alone and die alone, so no one other than us can decide our fate.
- Progress towards your salvation on your own , do not depend on others.
- It is also a duty to keep your body healthy, otherwise you will not be able to keep your mind and thinking clean and well.
- Chaos is rooted in all complex things, keep working with diligence.
- The biggest failure in real life is, being untrue..
- There is no distinction between the east and the west in the sky, people give birth to discrimination and then believe it is true.
- No matter how many holy words you read or speak, but unless you implement them, there is no use.
- You can try to find a person anywhere in the entire universe who loves you more than you, you will find that no one can do as much love as you can with yourself.
- Do not exaggerate the things that you have, and do not be jealous of others. Anyone who is jealous of others does not get peace of mind.
- You will not be punished for being angry, but your anger itself will punish you.
- Peace is within the human being, do not seek it outside.
- Thousands of lamps can be lit from a burning lamp (candle), yet the light of that lamp is not low. In the same way, happiness grows by spreading it, it does not shrink.
- An insincere and bad friend should be more intimidated than the animals, because a wild animal can only hurt your body, but a bad friend will wound you in your head.
- To live a pure selfless life, a person must believe that there is nothing in his abundance too.
- To keep a family happy and healthy, it is most necessary to have discipline and control over mind. If a person controls his mind, then he gets a path of enlightenment.
- As soon as we become angry in any dispute, we leave the path of truth, and start trying for ourselves.
- Being angry is like being caught with the desire to throw burning coal on someone else; it first ignites you.
- Conquer yourself - Before proving anything to others, it is necessary that we prove ourselves that the competition of every person is by itself first, so before winning the victory, it is necessary that we win ourselves.
- There is no way of happiness, happiness is the only way.
- Happiness is in our mind - happiness is not in the things bought by money, but happiness is in how we feel, how we behave and how we respond to the behavior of others, therefore the real happiness lies in our brain.
- The time does not come back. We often think that if some work remains incomplete today, then it will be fulfilled tomorrow though the time passed now will not come back.
- Hate (evil) can never end. Hatred can only be eliminated by love and it is a natural truth.
- Those who live smartly do not even need to be afraid of death.
- Just as a candle cannot lit itself without fire, so a person cannot survive without a spiritual life.
- The tongue kills without taking blood out with a sharp knife.
- Three things cannot be hidden for a long period, the sun, the moon and the truth.
- Surely, those who are free from displeased thoughts find peace.
- Being inactive is a short path to death; being diligent is the path of good life, fools are passive and wise people hardworking.
- God has made every person alike; the difference is just inside our brain.
- Feet feel only when it touches the ground.
- Evil must be there only then goodness can prove its purity on it.
- Do not get confused in the past; do not lose your dreams in the future, pay attention to the present. This is the way to be happy.
- Travelling well is most important than reaching the destination or goal.
- I never see what has been done; I always see what is left to be done.
- The person who loves people, is surrounded by sorrows, who does not love anyone, there is no crisis for him.
- The habit of doubt is the most dangerous. The doubt separates the people from each other. It ruins two good friends and any good relationship.
- Walking on the path of truth, only two mistakes can be done, neither decide the whole path nor do the beginning.
- Virtue is harassed more by the wicked than by the love of good people.
- All wrong actions arise from the mind itself, if the mind changes, then what is wrong can be done.
- A word that brings peace is better than thousands of hollow words.
- You win yourself is better than thousands of battles then that victory will be yours, which nobody can snatch from you, no angels or no monsters.
- We should take care of our words that we choose to speak, how it will affect the person, good or bad.
- Every experience teaches you something - every experience is important, because we learn from our own mistakes.
- Understand the significance of every day - Every day a new person is born to meet a new objective, so understand the significance of each day.
- A wise person never dies and those who are unwise, they are already dead.
- Hatred ends with love not hatred, it is eternal truth.
Most Popular Quotes | Gautam Buddha
Reviewed by Bhushan Palav
September 08, 2018

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